I can not even begin to wrap my head around the fact that tomorrow marks one year since we found out my dad's cancer was terminal. I can't even grasp where this year has gone. I feel like every year goes by fast but I can't even start to think that this past year even happened.
25 February 2011 feels like just yesterday. I skipped Geography to go to the hospital where my dad was after fainting at home and being taken to Fort Wayne by ambulance. I worked 2-8 at work and then had plans to meet up with a friend for her birthday. My mom called and insisted I come to the hospital. I was already on my way to Buffalo Wild Wings so I turned around in Autumn Creek Apartments, went back to my apartment where Brandon was, picked him up and went to the hospital. I knew the news before I even got there.
I think I'm going to be in a constant adjusting mode for a long time. There is so much he has missed and so much I miss about him. I could use his knowledge almost everyday. My computer crashed for the second time and guess who took care of the entire thing last time. I'm currently in Music Appreciation and guess who knows a lot about music because he was a music major. The list goes on.